hajimagomin | Pastel Confetti (9 types)
hajimagomin | Pastel Confetti (9 types)
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대전 유성구 궁동로 18 (궁동)
14 2층
* CHANGE TO DHL product link -> https://lovticker.imweb.me/all/?idx=29059
▽ pastel color confetti
Mob Pink / Apricot Yellow / Coconut / Apple Mint / Powder Blue / Lavender
▽ pastel mix confetti
A. pink / B. peach / C .mint
▽ pastel color confetti
Mob Pink / Apricot Yellow / Coconut / Apple Mint / Powder Blue / Lavender
▽ pastel mix confetti
A. pink / B. peach / C .mint